
Personal stories from Stahl employees

The company Lawyer

Why??? Why would the company/ Steve Lucas try to hold up the voting process? Why??? Why did we have to sit through all those cheezy anti-union meetings? Why??? Why Would did Steve Lucas lie in front of the Union lawyers, the Department of Labor Relations, and others, and tell them that the Warrensburg and Kingsville plants were two different companies? Why??? Why did the company/ Steve Lucas try to keep the quality department out. I guess they were trying to look out for your better interest like they have been Since Franz took over. I say they are looking out for THEIR better interest as usual. It's plain to see. Why??? Why would you put out so much effort trying to keep the Teamsters out if you are trying to look out for the best interest of the employees? As you know, the majority of us have made up or minds on who's looking out for who and know we will have someone look out for us.............       Kingsville Employee

Another example of management looking out for our better interest. 01N heat treat area were told they were to work seven days a week until they are caught up..however long that may be. They are never caught up. They were told by the plant manager Tony Germano, that if they called in their attendance bank would be wiped clean!! Is this right? Is this even legal?? Even if it is, it shows you what mindset you are dealing with. They don't care about your time off, time with your family, your time to take care of things outside of work, they don't care about anything you might have that resembles a life for your self. You are supposed to serve them and their self-serving egos. I know many of you agree, that the time for us to band together and get some sanity back into this place is long overdue, and has been delayed by the company for obvious reasons...corporate greed and inflated egos running the place. Get every vote for the Teamsters you can get and then THEY will will deal with these corporate scab........
                                 Kingsville Empoyee 

Since this website was set up..I have been the first,second and now third testimonial. Therefore..I'll call myself Kingsville#1.Just another tidbit.. You think that we are unhappy, what about all the upper management that has bailed out because they couldn't make Dr. Jeckl happy. This is not counting the upper management that he let go. From sales, to supervisors, to managers, all the way up to second in charge under Dr. Jeckl. Yes, we used to have a second in charge until Dr. Jeckl decided he would handle this himself. I can't remember all the name, but will get them, but these were all big money making people that are now gone because Dr. Jeckl could not be pleased and they knew it. Most were not fired...they just quit. How many emails have you seen where so and so is no longer with us and so and so will be replacing him. People, do not dare even thinking about going into the future without some representation. Even some of the most educated jumped ship because they didn't want to have to treat you the way that Dr. Jeckl required. It was unattainable and they knew it and they had know say about the what do we have for a say about the business. Our only voice will be when they hear the majority of the voices..and that will be when we say, "We are represented by the Union, we will have a say and the majority will rule". Not Dr. Jeckl.

What is the past practice for discipline procedures? Do you still have the employee handbook? If so I bet it has an attendance policy in it. But you have to check to see if the one you have is the last one distributed. If there is no attendance policy how are employees being fired for attendance? The employees of stahls have to communicate with the UNION for this to work, dont just take it and leave with your tail between your legs.
                                                    Kingsville employee #2

Kingsville#1 again. What in the heck is up with Yolanda Harman going to Dr. Jeckls right hand position. She is now a corporate assistant/ Franz's secretary. I don't get it. Her last job title was company interpreter. Oh and of coarse, getting illegal labor in to the work place. Does anyone remember Jim Harmon? Man he was a "take care of the people type" wasn't he? Talk about someone that didn't give a shit about we have meaner half as Franz's right hand man. Boy..don't bend over for the soap.............

UNION SUCKS <> wrote:
What are you thinking trying to bring the union in, are you stupid. Whats the Union going to do for the employees. The union can't control the customer orders. If Stahl doesn't meet coustomer orders then they will go else where. The union is full of empty promises and smileing all the way to bank with your dues.

I don't disagree with you about management, Stahl is in the shape it is in because of bad management, from the top to the bottom. But it is also the employees responsibility to do the best they can. Every employee that is doing substandard work  and intentionaly not putting out parts isn't just screwing the MAN, but also all his or her co-workers.
 Employees at Stahl should band together show the new owners that they can make good quality parts, lower the scrap rate, and become a world class aluminum foundry again as it used to be. Show the owners this and make the company profitable again, and then good things will come for the employees. Do this and give the new owners a chance. Don't listen to all the rumors, because that is what they usually are. They come from people with weak minds, and poor work ethic.

Kingsville#1 again. I hate to even reply to our little  content anti-union employee but I must. Besides still having a job, what has the company done for you in the last four or five years? Go ahead and send me the list. I'm sure it will be a lengthy one so be sure you have enough time to finish it before you get started on it. I know what I have got from them. A tired body working in a hostile workplace with a like it or leave attitude from them. You work six or seven days a week and nothing is never enough. Even IF we could do a better job..would that change us working on weekends for straight time, six or seven days a week, while they figure out how to take more benefits from what we have left. I cannot believe that you are so blind as not to see how you are being treated. How far do they have to go before you open your eyes? Take two or three dollars an hour from you because they think they can't continue to pay you what you are making now? You, and your minority group just keep on clinging on for Franz to make it all better for you and we, the majority,  will let the big boys look out for us. Your way has not been working. We've lost about everything we had and if we followed your advise, would be losing even more. You better get started on that list the Franz and company has done for you. We are all looking forward to it....... 

A Stahl's employee was recently asked to "stay over until the work was done."
Because the employee was one of many Stahl's employees who carpool, the employee was left without a ride home.
The employee naturally did what he was told to do by his supervisor.
When the employee was finally able to clock out, he then began his 20 mile hike home on foot in the pitch blackness of the night...
This absolute disregard for the health, well being and safety of its' employee is just one of many reasons why I will vote YES for union representation at Stahl's Specialty Company.
Marvin M.
Greenwood, Missouri

This is Dr. Franz Jeckl, I just wanted to calm any fears about the future of our company. First off, I must look out for my big fat inflated salary. Second, I must make our new owners even richer. These are my top two priorities. You must help me fight to make these two things happen. Then, and then only maybe, we can throw you a bone. I don't know how long or how many years this may take but remember, my fat inflated salary, and then make our new owners richer so they can take care of their interests. You must remain working for straight time on the weekends, giving up quality time with your families, not planning for any time off, and most of all you must like it. Remember, all this must happen and I might be able to throw you a bone. Mean while, keep fighting for the company, keep living for the company, and put all other things aside. We must not have any distractions as in you wanting to spend time at home with your family, or taking time off as this would hamper our goal of making rich people richer and my big fat salary would be in jeopardy. I can't emphasize enough..give your life to the company and forget about all the other things that bring you pleasure in life. The company cannot survive with this kind of thinking. Then and only then, we might throw you a bone..

Hear me now and believe me later. I will not sit and watch my small town America, Holden,Mo. be taken over by or otherwise!! There are three people that have tried to make this happen. The first one is gone but not forgotten...Gary Nelson. He started this flood and then retired, and got the hell out of town for obvious reasons. Remember..gone but not forgotten. Steve Lucas..carried on the tradition but at a new level.. I.N.S. even showed up and the place emptied itself. Remember the commercial, "RAID"? And now Yolanda Harmon. H.M.F.I.C. of getting immigrants into to the area!! I want to remind you that all three of these people  have sold out on America.. but their phone numbers and addresses are still public record. And they still get to live in America. I will not stand here in my small town America and let them do what they doing. All three of them were here, or are still here for the same kiss corporate butt and keep their corporate status even if it means selling out American jobs. And if this job doesn't work out for them they will go somewhere else and kiss some other corporate butt and those employees will pay the price. So when you read about ONE anti-union message on this website..think about the real deal. She, it, or whatever must be with the Gary Nelson's, the Steve Lucas's, or even better with the Harmon's. Have any of the above ever thought about anything else except what was good for the company..oh and of coarse their own job. Once again..I will not be sold out by these kind of people. Stahls will be an empty building before I buy into them taking American jobs and taking over my small town America...
Kingsville 007

Who is this DUMB ASS All I can say is this person must be a company ass kisser, well I guess every place of business needs one.
Why would the Union want to have any thing to do with productivity, this is not what Unions do. Here is a little bit of education for DUMB ASS, Unions are in business to get better pay, benefits,working conditions, contract language and REPRESENTATION for its members. I dont think this Union is full of empty promises, why dont you check the track record DUMB ASS. I dont think this Union will be laughing to any bank, do you know how much it will cost to set up another Union hall in Kingsville or somewhere around there? Also do you think two business agents come free? The dues from the members are turned around to work for the members DUMB ASS. Also no member will ever get fined for anything in this UNION and you can take that to the bank.
DUMB ASS if you think this company is going to pay you a good wage for a hard days work you have not been around long, have you ever heard of company greed? I would like to open a business and have a couple of hundred like you I would be a rich man. So DUMB ASS you want to give the new owners a chance, well where have you been? Does this ring any bells in your empty head [ PENSION, INSURANCE, WORKING CONDITIONS AND ALL THE THREATS ]!!!!!!!!! The only weak minded thing I see around is you DUMB ASS.
What do you have to say about that? or do you need some time to get with Steve Lucas?
Watch out there is ears every where.        Kingsville 03

I have an idea, since the Union is up front and answers our questions about what ever lets see if the Company wants to play the game. Franz and Lucas its your turn, hear is an easy one. How much are your two salaries and bonus structures? Next question, whats your benefits like? I bet you two dont have to pay for healthcare or pension plan.
So if anyone is interested, just ask. Well see who is up front and honest. I have not been keeping score but I think the Union is way ahead. Kingsville 04

Hey now, no way Kingsville should be having all the fun in here us folks in Warrensburg wanna play too. Isn't it great to find out we are all one company? I wonder why the company tried to challenge that in court? hmmmmmmmm well could it be they are Liars? I think so. I wans't really behind the union at first but after seeing the way the company just out right Lies, I'm frankly sick of having my intellegence insulted.  I have a question for you guys here. What would you think of the Union if at every meeting they just showed us videos of how horrible the company was? They would have no credibiltiy would they? Having to Watch those videos reminds me of a prison camp where people are being brainwashed by messages over a loud speaker. The people running this company are truly deranged and need to be brought back to reality. I know plenty of people who are union members and I've never heard any of them complain about it, Im voting YES on election day because plain and simple I think the union can bring about positive change. For those of you voting NO I must say that is your right. I would urge you to get more information before casting that vote. I hope no one is voting NO because they have been brainwashed by a video or because they are buying into a lie.  Ok Brothers I'll shut up now                        Warrensburg 01

If any Stahl employee gets Terminated or Laid-off please contact the UNION HALL as soon as possible. 816-921-1700 ask for Ryan

Kingsville#1 again, What took so long for Warrensburg to chime in. I know that there is more than one computer in that town..where is everybody else? As for  Dr. Jeckl's last day being December 31st...why not Christmas Day? He respected that day as any other work day. I will give the new owners credit for hearing what the people had to say, and we said you will never go anywhere with Franz in charge. ThyssenKrupp sent him here to..might I break a horse and now he is "a packin' "!! Big business tried to send a man down in here with an iron fist and a dictatorship style of running a company and met with, let's just say, a little resistance. Business is business and that will always be the motto of whoever owns this company now. Big businesses is her to stay. Glen Stahl is gone now, and just as soon as he was gone..  what is the first thing we see? Vultures, dictatorship. Franz didn't even have a vice president. The reality of this is that big business is here and you better have someone to look out for your better say the least.Before the next Franz comes through your town. I have asked in the world did Franz wind up in Kingsville, Mo. from Germany?? But I have  answered my question. A company wanted this iron fisted ruler to whip you into shape and live for their cause. We are the worker bee's and they are the queen. If our new owners were not impressed with Franz, they would have never considered buying Stahls. They planned on Franz running a concentration camp while they sat in another state and watched the money roll in. If you decide not to vote for the 541 Union, that is your choice. But in my opinion that would be voting against having insurance. Not just medical. But insurance that we will never have to put up with the likes of big business without having our voices heard. They are here to cling on to what they can get and you better cling on to what WE can get. Trust me.. Speyside is not the last owners that will roll through here looking out for your "supposed interest". There will be more to run your life for why not be waiting with an ace in the hole? .....A voice, something that you haven't had for several years.............

I hope everyone read the newest update. To me it seems odd the company has to rely on a lawyer that knows nothing about us to keep the union out. Why can't the company speak for themselves? I'll tell you why because everytime they open their mouths the union gets new supporters. People do not like being openly lied to, and frankly lies are all the company has. Now lets show these weatlthy corporate bums and this over paid attorney they are NOT going to get rich off of us. Vote YES people.  Warrensburg 02

Well here we go. There was a flyer left in the break rooms in wbg today.I would like to address some of the things it said.First of all the union doesn't make us strike, we vote on whether we want to strike or not.Second,all employees hired into eligible departments must be a member of the union, thats true its called a closed shop and its a benefit too us because employees not protected by the union dont have too follow the rules enforced by the contract and that would create a huge conflict of interests between them and union members.I love how they refer to union officials as "bosses" trying place a connection with organized crime,thats mature.They say the union may cause the company to"close their doors and go out of business", please the only people that got our company in shape its in ,is management it started long before the union was ever brought into it.If we go out of business it will be the fault of management and management only.They are the ones who wouldnt spend the money on employees , equipment or modernization.They were lining the company "bosses" pockets .I asked Jeff Stone when they called a meeting 5 or 6 months ago if they planned on making an investment in their employees, his answer was simply no he didnt even think about it.I know the company is talking about all this stuff  they want to do to make us happy and they might actually do some of it but once they get enough people tricked into giving them a chance, that they vote down the union theres nothing to stop them from taking everything back and more.Basically foundrypeople if if your a union supporter thats great ,if your not sure well you have heard the companys side so come to a union meeting give them a chance they dont keep hundreds of thousands member by lying and just taking their money and not doing anything .And if you believe the company and have faith that they are not lying to you,I hope your faith in the company will feed our kids ,because I dont share your optimism.I wish you were right bu! t I have been with stahls over 10 years and at some point you have to make a stand I cant afford too lose anymore I doubt any of you can either so I will vote YES I hope you all will too we have to stick together. If we dont look out for each other who will? The company? They have done a great job so far.The union gives us the tools to help govern our work environment!  If your not sure think about it ask questions after all its your career, your future we may not get another chance. Warrensburg 03

Wow..just as predicted. Company lawyers are supplying hundreds of pounds of "vote no" crap on every board in the place. Have you met this company lawyer? Does he have a clue where you are coming from. Does he know you or even give a crap about what you have been saying or been through? We have been saying plenty From what I have read,throwing out scare tactics which are not true. Do you really think the company has to build a "strike stock"? Who said anything about a strike?? Only company paid lawyers. Where will this place be? When will we run the parts? Have them name the company that has requested this! Reality please. Company lawyers are providing this crap to smash on every board you may read and elbow deep in all the break rooms. I even found a job bid on the board under this crap. As you know by now, that to join the Local 541,there is a 25$ fee to start. Not the 100$ fee posted ass deep all over the place. Even if it was $100, I would take it out of the money I have made working straight time on the weekends for all these years. But it is only $25. Do the math. Even the latest crap that the company lawyer has been putting out is going to cost the company more money, because a lot of it is untrue and even illegal to print. Hide and watch. Remember, No question will go unanswered by the and ask, or go to next meeting this week. Without a binding contract, and someone to keep big business honest, you will get no more than what you have now, and THAT is the scary part.     Kingsville#1

I am the wife of a Stahls worker, and although I don’t work at the plant I know of the hardships that my husband and others have put up with. I worked for a company for years that was union, in fact it was teamsters and I was a member. Many was the time that they had my back when the company thought they could screw us around. Many was the time that people were fired only to be brought back because the union was there to protect them. Many was the time that if the union had not been there a lot of us would not of had our jobs, me included! My husband gives Stahls everything he has and they still want more, as with all of you all, if you vote NO and the union is not brought in then whatever you get you will deserve. Take a few moments and look at everything the company has taken away from you, your overtime pay, your incentive pay, your right to be paid every week after putting in 40 hours plus, your retirement, that’s just to name a few, but they have also taken away your dignity, time with your families, your rights as a working human being, and a big part of your lives!
              As I said at the beginning I am a wife and not an employee,and I am also a mother of a Stahls employees and I would like to hear more of the wives  and mothers speaking up too. We, as the wives of Stahls employees have to endure a lot of what they go through by proxy, because when they get home they bring this with them. So ladies encourage your husbands to vote Yes so we can all have a better future!  Kingsville wife 01


Hello Standupstahl,

While I am not an employee at your company I do believe my story my be of interest to you. You see I work at the lake city ammunition plant, we like you had a chance to bring in the Teamsters as our representatives. Our company responded much the way yours has. We had an anti-union law firm advising the company what to do to stop the campaign from being a success. We were forced to sit through anti union videos week after week, the company put out enough anti union flyers to wallpaper arrowhead stadium, we heard from managers that claimed to have worked at union companies that had went out of business, we heard how they would move the plant if the Teamsters got in, we were made all kinds of promises of great things to come if we just gave the company a chance and voted no.

To make a long story short in 2002 the election was held and the union lost. The company convinced enough people that things would get better without the union and some of us bought it. After the election the company seemed to develop some sort of memory loss. You see they did not make good on one single claim they made, in fact things got even worse. The cost of our benefits continued to rise, wages have stagnated, favoritism still rules, union supporters where let go, the list go’s on and on. Within 6 months all those people that believed the company lies regretted it. A great number of my co-workers said they wished they could take back that NO vote, but it was too late. We are currently in an organizing drive with the sheet-metal workers union and as expected the company is coming around with the same old stories about how bad the union is. DON’T BUY INTO IT.

We blew our chance 4 years ago and regret it everyday. So where will you be in four years? Will you be sitting around wishing you hadn’t let the company persuade you out of unionizing? Or will you be working under a union contract? It has taken us nearly five years to get another union to help us organize. Make the right decision the first time!! Good luck to all


Hey all,
Warrensburg here,I have to say  that all the anti Union propaganda is just a bit more than i can stomach.We were informed that there will be a new flyer every day until election day.Bring on October 11th and hurry please.I'm sure that lawyer will be laughing all the way to the bank.I find it hard to believe that people would actually swallow the kind of  garbage they have been wasting paper on,and I personally feel my intelligence is beeing insulted .I would like everybody to to carefully read the comments  made by someone who called himself Lakecityman.I think we will be singing a similar tune if we let them scare us off with their dirty tactics.Those of us that have been here a while have put up with too much bullshit and too many lies and we have come too far to just roll over and play dead now.The best message we can send to management now is to stand together as one and vote YES on October 11th.
YES to fair wages,YES to better working conditions,and YES to a better future for ALL american workers.We are the companies greatest asset let's make them understand that.
Warrensburg 04

I am an employee at the warrensburg plant. I have been here 13 years.I have held almost every position from transfer person to supervisor. I steped down as supervisor because I could not in good conscience continue to ram unfair corporate dictated rules and regulations down good hard working employees throats any longer. This company has taken your forty hour week so they could mandate you to work saturdays for straight time. They have capped your vacation time. They have frozen your pension and made you start paying for your insurance, that employees voted to increase over the years instead of wage increases. They have demanded 125% out of us and not given us the tools, equipment,parts or training to complete our jobs. They have set us up for failure, and when we fail they write us up or chew our asses for their failures as company leaders. This company has taken money and benefits away from the employees in order to inrease profits on the books. I say this company, because Thyssen Krupp and Speyside have the same mind set (make money and damn the little guy). Speyside has done nothing for us since they have bought us. They have made promises of 401k contributions,termination of Franz,rumors on incentive and the return of forty hour work weeks. I beleive none of this. If the union is voted down they will continue to TAKE TAKE TAKE. I for one one am not willing to stand by and let them have my lively hood any longer. If they want to take any more from me that is exactly what they will have to do is take it because I will not lay down any longer! If the guys at speyside are so willing to give they should be more than happy to give us their promises in a contract. And the Teamsters will give us the tools to do just that. As for our fellow coworkers who think we dont need a union. I can not believe any person could believe the propaganda put out by the company and the anti union people. The initiation fees have been reduced to 25$,and you dont pay a dime out until we have voted on and excepted a contract. Who in their right mind would vote yes to a contract that would cost them money. The company sent reps to the labor board hearing and they lied under oath! So why would you believe a piece of paper somebody doesnt even have the balls to sign their name to.I dont understand how any body could vote no on the Oct 11.It is every  union suporters obligation to talk to as many people they can and explain to them how the union works and how it benefits them. They also need to understand the consequences if we fail. This company will not stop with the current cuts they will procede on to cutting your hourly wage and lord knows what else if we fail to stand up now. Listen to lakecity that is exactly what will happen at stahl if we fail. Our families and us cannot afford to have any more taken away so please vote yes for teamsters on Oct 11. Just my opinion. Baxter Armstrong

All of the postings on the bulletins are bullshit posted by some company PUSSY that doesnt have the balls to stand up for his rights and his fellow coworkers. If you feel the urge to pull these postings down that havent been endorsed by the managament of STAHLS, then feel free to do so because if I recall they were the ones who said that we could NOT post things on the company or employee bulletin boards without approval by company/ management, and the managers in wsbrg said that they have not approved for any employees to post anti-union material on the bulletin boards,unless this is another lie that is being told by the managers because they dont want to get caught in anymore lies by the union(as if they havent already jeprodized their reputation and credibility).But if you see any of these bullshit anti-union fliers and you need to ask questions to reassure yourselfs about their content, then come to the union meetings and ask questions and you will get a straight answer.... something none of us are used to.
        vote yes   wsbrg 1915

Kingsville#1 again..By now, everyone must be tired of all the talk, rumors, speculation, or just right out lies right that you hear at work from your bulletin boards. I can sum this up for you. Dazzle them with bullshit...excuse my language. What else would you expect a company..any do if they might be forced to listen to the workers demands? This company, as any other will start layering up!! (We don't want them to know the real truth)!! Hire a lawyer. Speyside says "Give us a chance", but still seeks their own representation. Does anyone hear....REPRESENTATION!!!  Don't be treated like some kind of fool! They are spending money on their self..we better spend money on ourselves. Back up and think about it.......


Well to start out on the right foot I was against the UNION at first.I have been listening to both sides. I just truly can not believe what the company I work for says anymore. There's too many things kept from the employee's.I know at the Warrensburg plant you only know what is going on if you run in the right circles.Why is this? What are they hiding ?My understanding also at the plant is if you run in the right cirlces you get BIG raises, I know for a fact an employee on there first year evaluation was taken too 12.75 an hour. Is this person a processer , an operater,fork truck driver,cell leader,none of the above.I know many foundry employees that have worked for the company alot longer with great work records not making this amount after 7 years of service. To me this is a big reason i would like the union to step in. I'm sure everyone has heard of the company losing money thats why we havent recieved any raise's this year. Can anyone asnwer me this, why are they handing out 100.00 bonse's to select workers at the warrensburg plant.When i asked this question I was told " I wish the people getting the 100.00 would keep it to themselves, is this the kind of stuff we need to be kept in the dark about? What else are they hidding?VOTE YES ON OCT 11Th


The time is near for everyone to vote for their future. You can sit back and wait for, "Give us a chance", or you can take charge. How about we start things off with Speyside knowing we have a voice. A legal voice. My latest example of the "Give us a chance" is this....the 01N heat treat area showed up for work on Friday, the 29th of September and had a note on the wall. It said that you WILL work seven days a week until you  are caught up, The notice was posted on a Friday.No vacation will be honered. So much for a weekend..not that they have one anyway. No prior notice..just this is what you will do. The worst part of this is that the same person that posted this, is the one that said that there will be no heat treat people there on Sundays and only ONE for every shift  to take care of heat treat on Mondays just weeks before, no overtime.  Scratch your head but it is all true. He set up a plan where there was no overtime..the heat treat area has become backed up, and now everyone is on a seven day week until they are caught up!! Overtime is now not a problem.  "JUST GIVE US A CHANCE."  Makes me want to hurl!! Business as usual. If anyone thinks that they need to give these guys a chance..maybe you should read again all of the above. As's true as sad as it is. Kingsville 1

I have seen on the flyers posted by the company that the "mob" is running the union.  "Wake up people". When Franz got here he fired or, for what ever reason caused upper management people to quit. He then filled those spots with his henchmen, thugs and bullies who do whatever he says whether it be legal or not. I see no difference in this and the mob, we are working for mobsters right now!!! They post Anti-union crap every day now but yet union supporters are not suppose to talk about the union or pass out any pro union flyers on company time. Do we not live in a free country? It sure doesn't seem so when we cannot voice our opinions and are told what we can and can't do.
 A proud American Worker at Stahl


You know this company has really shown a lack of class throughout this entire ordeal. I have a few questions for our privileged higher ups. 1st Why all the lies? I along with many others at Stahl have been part of labor unions in the past, we all know you are lying when you talk about unions fining or having members fired. We also know your lying when you say workers could lose wages, benefits or vacation if they vote union. You can’t take away anything or change any policies without bargaining with the union once they are voted in and you know it. 2nd What’s with the flyers you are printing off from That website is funded by greedy corporations that want to see an end to labor unions, due to the fact that unions force company brass to share more of the profits with employees. I know they have been in trouble in the past for printing lies about various labor unions, but Im sure as usual the truth would be of no concern to any Stahl management. 3rd Why can the company not run their own anti union campaign? Why do they have to rely on a highly paid attorney to print flyers for them. I realize we have some extremely incompetent management, but are you telling me no one in the office is capable of telling us in their own words why we should not unionize? I have to say the union reps were right all along. I went to the first meeting at Holden park and they told us everything the company would do and as I state, they were right about everything. I understand why the company is against the union. They are corrupt and only care about making profits. I understand why the company attorney is working against us. For one he is being paid by the company and secondly he’s not competent enough to be a trial lawyer so he must make his living by hurting working people. What really makes me sick is there are some employees who are supporting the companies side. Its sad to me that any human being could be brainwashed into not supporting something that will help them improve their lives. Wake up people, the company only makes money because of the work YOU do. Why should people like Jeff Stone, Franz Eckl or Steve Lucas live a life of luxury while you worry how your going to pay your gas bill? If you enjoy being poor and struggling then I guess you should vote no. I for one am fed up with what this company is doing and look forward to what we can accomplish by joining together as one. VOTE YES ON THE 11TH



As everyone knows, our company has been distributing flyers in an attempt to counter the intentions of the proposal of a union brought fourth by us,.the workers. However, Stahls owners and its agents make frivolous claims against this union and even unions in general in an attempt to keep out what we the employees want and have petitioned for!!! Come on folks, are we independently wealthy and here for fun? Im not and I rely on my job to support and feed my family just as most of the rest of you do. This companies claims against our interest has no evidence that to join us with the union would be detrimental to us or the company, however it has been proven that Stahls has forced us to work in unsafe environments and under dangerous conditions, only to have our protective items stripped from us and limited, unless they impose an economic or disciplinary sanction against us. Just one of many human rights violations they commit against us everyday AND we are supposed to take their word with credibility????? Stahls has already shown there word means NOTHING! Their actions speak louder than words and when they do speak, their words are nothing but lies and contradictions. How much longer are we going to allow them to bully us so they can sustain a life style you and I will probably never know?? How selfish for them to take more and more from us and then treat us like slaves!!!!!!!

Stahls has over and over again tried to blame these and other issues as actions of the previous owners and management BUT, lets not forget, these are the same practices and worse that the new owners and THE SAME management here now are still imposing and have done nothing to make any changes unless it benefits them--not us!

The bottom line, unless we get some honest and fair representation in here to protect our basic human rights and at least balance corporate power within here, we are nothing but sitting ducks and enslaved at free will with no protection.

If you have taken the time to read this and it is of concern for you, I ask that you ONLY do One Simple thing: Weigh the credibility of this company against their frivolous claims and their past and present action.


Thank you all and good luck.

D. Current Employee (9yrs)

First of all  I have to say that i'll be glad when this is all over.The company has turned this whole thing into something really ugly.If they wanted us to believe in them this smear campaign against the Union,all the lies and the treatment of known Union supporters is not a great way to achieve  that goal.The latest flier about  salaries earned by highranking union officials only serves to remind us of how much money our highranking management people make.(AND THEIR SALARIES ARE DEFINATELY NOT EARNED)I doubt any of them have ever gotten their hands dirty  by doing an honest days work.There was an update on this website posted yesterday that hit the nail right on the head.If by voting YES  to union representation we could be in for lower wages and less benefits companies would be only too happy for us to vote them in.That way they wouldn't have to spend money on people like David Wing. For all the fence sitters out there I have to say  ,think about all that has happened over the last couple of month's.Has the company really done anything to make you think that things are going to change for the better? I think not ,so come on down from your perch and join  your co-workers we'll be glad to have you .Vote yes and give us a voice to decide our future because your employer  has only HIS best interests at heart.
Warrensburg 04


We in Kingsville have also seen the flyers about union officials salaries and a lot of us are a little confused as to what the company is trying to accomplish by publishing this. Were we suppose to be outraged that these people who make a living helping others to achieve greater pay and benefits also make a salary? Here’s something to ponder, the highest ranking person in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which would be President Hoffa makes a little over $300,000 a year. That being said keep in mind he is responsible for well over 1 million people. He is also elected by his own membership. Now let’s compare, Dr Eckl (Jeckl) with salary and benefits easily makes the same amount, yet he is not elected by the people he is responsible for and only represents 800 workers. Keep in mind that even though Speyside keeps secret what their three stooges are making I would be willing to bet its a lot higher then anyone in the Teamsters union. So does everyone understand the difference between what unions pay officers and what companies pay incompetent management? I noticed in the latest Teamster flyer, they are asking the company to disclose the salaries and bonuses of upper management. I wonder if we will ever see that happen. I guess its ok to show what union officials make but not what company brass bring home. So come out with it Speyside, you yellow bastards I know you read this. Show us all what you guys are raking in on our hard work. Are you still trying to tell people we’re in an economic downturn? That’s crap and you know it, no company in a downturn is working people 7 days a week and operating 24/7. I hope I didn’t offend anyone, Im just sick and tired of these corporate pigs getting filthy rich by putting the shaft to working people. VOTE YES ON THE 11TH            

                                                                    Kingsville 541 4 life


I work in Warrensburg and I have to say, I just love all the wonderful reading Material the company is providing us with. I am looking forward to all the old stuff they are coming up with every day.Does anyone care, what happened in Vegas or Chicago years ago, I don't, I just care about now and my future. Maybe we will not all get rich after we get the union in, but we will get peace of mind, that we don't loose any more. That sounds good to me. A little while ago, we were told in Warrensburg, that we have no work and we will go down to 5 cell's, well last I checked, we are running 8 cells every week and our Cat/Getrag cell #18 is starting on 24/7 next week. Bob Braun has informed us in our weekly anti union meetings, that we have new parts coming in and that they are working on getting more parts for machining and that will open the south foundry to put the new machines in. Well, that sounds good to me. We also got some Gifts from our management this week, they came with "Thank you letters" and Hats for all of us because we did a super job on this TS/ISO thing. It looks to me, that there is money somewhere in this company, but it is been spend on stupid stuff like that instead on fixing our machines and maybe pay us some more. I was not for Union when this all started, but I will vote "yes" on Oct. 11. The more empty promises I hear, the more flyers I read, the more I know I will vote yes.
Why is everything, that they will give to us after the voting date, nothing is going on before, they had no problems to make us pay for our insurance right away, they did not wait to stop our pension plan, but they do have time to give us more for our 401 K and our raise. we will have to wait until January before we get that, what is wrong with this picture???
Well that's all I have to say for now. I do what to thank Angry for opening this website, you have done a super job, Thank you very much, with this you gave us a voice.
Take care


Just a word to the wise watch your back as the vote is nearing the company has no problem writing people up for no reason .I was written up this afternoon for harassment. At least with a union I think I would have a better chance of fighting this kind of charge off, as it was made by an ex girl friend that works at stahls. I tride defending myself against this write up with no luck, its all she said he said. I think with a voice in our corner being the UNION, the company would think twice before doing this when the charge is so un founded and nothing more then a pissed off ex. VOTE YES ON OCT 11 if not for anything else to fight off the bullshit writeups.

triedofsstahlsshit AKA David Goff

HI Al Peterson and BOB Braun, oh this was written at 350am so its not harassment

Kingsville#1 again. First off, get to the voting area early and get that yes vote in. We don't need any delays or hang ups, and want all your votes counted. Don't be left behind.
     I hate to beat on one there are so many wrongs going on at Speyside/Stahls, but this one has bothered me, and many others for a long time, and it still continues. The 01N Heat Treat Dept. in Kingsville has been put on a 7 day a week schedule until Speyside/Stahl feels fit to give them a day off. Don't believe me? Go by there and ask them. Oh you might say that this is the forth or fifth time this year alone that they have been treated this way. Also ask them if they get all their breaks that are required by law? But recently they were told that this 7 day work week could also be 12 hours a day. Don't believe me? Ask one of them. But finally, after some time these people were told that they only had to work 7 days a week, not 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Now they feel much better. Speyside/Stahl IS looking out for them. I feel better too. How about you? I was talking to a long time friend tonight, and a long time Stahl employee, 20+ years, about this, and he shed some light on this subject. Everyone has read the "Workers Rights" placed on every board that you have ever worked. It says that an employer may not discriminate against race, color, creed, or RELIGION. The REAL BOSS says the seventh day is for REST. Therefore there is no seven day work week. Can any company make a person work seven days a week without discriminating against your RELIGIOUS beliefs?? NO!! Think about it.  Sadly, Missouri has no regulations on how many hours an employer can work you in  a day, or how many days in a row you must work. But at the same time the law also says they may not discriminate on basis of religion..for all of those that THINK they must work 7 days a week, think about the seventh day that GOD said was to rest. You can't argue with the REAL BOSS, it will not hold up in any court of the land.

Here is a quote from the Bible that goes along with what Kingsville 1 is saying
"For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the LORD; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death".                    Exodus 31:15
                                                                                Kingsville worker


Let me first say that I am not an employee of Stahls.  Though I applied three different times, I was not hired.  Two of the applications were through the Kingsville Human Resources department, and the third was through a temp agency where I was put through a battery of tests.  Even though I was the highest scoring applicant that day, Stahl’s chose to hire the lowest scoring applicants….two men who stayed on the job for less than 6 months.  At this point in time, I suppose I actually feel thankful that I have not had to be subjected to the degrading treatment that Stahls has put it’s employees through since the first sell of the company.


However, my husband is an employee of this company, now and for over 13 years.  I recall when my husband received the call to come in to work.  He was hired. He was very proud.  You see, he grew up in Kingsville and nearly all of his family do or had worked for the company at one time or another.  It used to be an admirable job.  Then the company was sold. 


There were times with TKStahls that I wondered if the purchase of the business was merely a purchase for a tax write off.  I questioned this because of the terrible changes that were being put into place, both business wise and human resources wise.  I still ponder that thought.  Only now I wonder if that is what Speyside Equity LLC, out of Delaware is contemplating.


I grew up in the 1950’s and 60’s.  I grew up in a home that was supportive of unions. All unions.  My father was a member of the Communications Workers of America.  He worked for 33 years at Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.  Though I recall the chance of a “strike” being mentioned before in the home…..”We need to tighten our purse strings.  There may be a strike”…It never happened.  Prior to that, any strikes were for a few days and at the most, a week.  No factory/company doors were shut and no one’s family starved.  The results however of such transactions, were that we had decent insurance and a stable income.  We were neither rich, nor were we poor.  Don’t let the company use scare tactics on you.


I also recall when the air traffic controllers went on “strike” and President Regan intervened, firing all of the striking controllers and replacing them with “scabs”.  Had the new controllers no sooner got put into their new jobs, and they too were demanding a union.


I know that my husband, just like many of you, simply wants to be proud of what he does and the quality of work that he produces.  He simply wants to be a proud “American Worker” again.  Our family is looking for the same thing our kin fought for, before us.  We know that the union is not going to be able to boost the salaries so high we will all suddenly become even middle class.  We accept our responsibility of having to help build a better Stahls.  We accept that there will be compromises…where in life does one not have to compromise? 


Just as TK and Speyside Equity LLC, have both asked of the Stahls employees…..”Give us a chance”, so too asks the Stahls employees, of Speyside……Give US a chance.  To build a better company and in this process build better products, pride, teamwork, respect, opportunities, loyalty and a better life for our self and our families. 


Understand what we have endured to stay employed here.  Understand that if we did not care about this company, we would not have beared this burden.  Understand why we no longer can afford to trust a stranger.  Understand that the two most dreaded words in the English language are “trust me”.  We did and we lost.  Most new employers with beneficial changes planned, will do that from the start.  You did not.  Instead, you took from us.  Oh and the pension fund???  Isn’t that on the same lines of “embezzlement”?


Warrensburg has lost many blue-collar jobs.  Many of its’ factories have been sold over and over again.  If Stahls becomes another casualty, it would be a great loss, because Stahls used to be one of the biggest and one of the best aluminum companies in the U.S.  Let’s not let Speyside turn Stahls into a “sweat shop”.


As for the community of Warrensburg, where is your support???  Are we going to be just a “college town” or are we going to be referred to a “bedroom town”?  Or are we going to be a community that will attract other businesses and more economical growth?  I personally have to travel 45 miles each way to work…but I started out at a daycare center making the same pay as any starting Stahls employee does now.  As the businesses of a community fail, so does the community.


I would like to thank those who have set up this site.


A Warrensburg Wife     

Enough of all the rumors, and speculation going on in the company. I, Jeff Stone-age have to set the record straight. I must come clean..I, and all my money, and of coarse my other rich business associates, thought we had a sure thing going here.We would buy up ThyssenKrupp..rename it Stahl, and everyone would be happy. We had know ideal that anyone would notice that we froze your pension...and didn't think you would mind paying for your family's health care. Never occurred to us. I also thought that you wouldn't mind if we sat in another state, watching the money roll in and left all management as it was. I, slash we, thought you guys were one big HAPPY family so we didn't even bother to ask you what you thought. Hell..didn't even think we had to introduce ourselves, after all, we planned on being in another state and watching the money roll in. But now, I, slash WE have ran into a problem. But regardless....give us a chance without the UNION. Your pension will still be froze..I, slash We, cannot promise that the health care you have left will still be there, but give us a chance. I, slash We, may feel the need to cut more of your benefits, and we have already been looking into this, but give a chance without the Union. One thing that I, slash WE, can promise you, is that anything that you have now we must look at carefully. We see no reason for you to have a job with us and not pay the price for the privilege. Remember.. We had to freeze your pension and make you pay for your family health care. Submit to these two things and we will work from there. Give us a chance without the Union.     Jeff Stone-age

Kingsville#1 again..feeling a little frisky. Hey Jeff Stone. Since you don't mind paying your lawyers to put out crap like...Teamsters are a mob..they are thugs, in general they are outlaws, that we must all fear. You must fear them but the majority of your work place welcomes them. Your lawyers will never change this fact. Let me help your lawyers out a little...everyone that votes yes on October 11th will get a Union issued machine gun so that they can be a THUG, MOBSTER, or an OUTLAW. This is as true as everything that you have paid to put on the bulletin boards at work. I haven't had a raise in two years and you are spending money on a law firm that had to get directions to get to Kingsville. Looking out for me are you? If you were even around you might know that we walk by the bulletin board and read this crap..laugh, and go on taking care of your business. You don't have hogs running around here taking care of your business, you have people that are insulted that you think we can't see the big picture. 

Just my opinions;
I have read and listened to countless “discussions” for lack of a better term, concerning the so-called “need” to have a union represented shop. But interestingly enough, I have found that very few of the “loudest” voices, or for that matter, “any” of the voices have had any real-life experience in dealing with a union.
Here’s the biggest problem as I see it. Too many people are simply mad as hell at getting screwed, me too. But, at least I have taken the time to 1) read the news, 2) listen to the news on the radio and 3) watch the news on television. Very simple and basic means of finding out information. I was truly blown away at how few employees of Stahl even listen to the news and have stayed current with the failings of the unions over
the past several years!
Example, the airline industry, the automotive industry, shipbuilders, steel workers, tire manufacturers.  All “major” industries in this country, losing their rights and jobs because of their greed. Each of these industries are name players in the business world, each also would have made butt loads of money with unbelievable benefits “without” the money grubbing unions demanding their share. They too thought that it would be in their best interest to be represented by a union. Now look at them.
Airlines losing benefits faster than the planes lose fuel. As of last week 68% of Delphi workers have elected to take the buyout package offered them. Why, they know they aren’t going to get a better deal now. Look at all of the other auto makers, all you here about are cuts. The same held true for steelworkers and shipbuilders. Huge organizations, with thousands of employee’s. Now all are scrambling to simply save their livelihood.
In the main scheme of things, Stahl is simply small potatoes to any union. If they could not keep their promises to those major firms, what in the world can they do for Stahl?
Think about it, research it, and don’t proceed simply on anger. You may wind up even worse than before.  I know we have all heard the promises and the lies; I have too, from both sides. I am looking at it with an open mind. It didn’t even take the new owners six months before they figured out Franz was not right for the company. This is a “major” accomplishment. Franz held this company under his thumb for his own sick “power pleasure”. I cannot word it any better. So I am fully willing to let them have a chance, show me what they can do for the company, not just me.
This entire ordeal has pitted us all against each other. It is childlike and ridiculous. We are supposed to me more mature than that. Please, use common sense; do not be led astray by anger and the desire to get even with someone else. This “is” our future we are dealing with.
Oh, by the way, check the numbers…I did…Speyside actually “cut” our insurance costs, almost in half of what they were originally proposed. “who” is lying?     Richard Hayes

What a fucking joke. You blame unions for the problems in the auto industry? How bout the tire industry? Goodyear has sales of over 20 billion last year and then decides to start cutting their employees back. What would you expect the union to do? They went on strike because they had no other choice. You speak of the auto industry, I guess the UAW is to blame because Ford and GM stayed with the status quo while Toyota and Honda became industry leaders. The union my friend, is why so many auto workers made a good salary and have a strong retirement today. If not for the UAW these workers who are now recieving large buy outs would be laid off with nothing but unemployment. As for the airline industry, have you checked out southwest airlines? They are the most well run, profitable airline company in the world, they are also 94% union. How do you explain that one Dick? I guess the union is to blame because airlines like United steal pension plans? Correct me if Im wrong here but it is CEO's who are going to prison right now, not union bosses. You say you watch the news to learn about unions and I say, that's obvious. Wealthy corporations have taken over our various media outlets and always put negative spin against labor unions. The weak minded like yourself tend to buy into it, as evidenced by your post. By the way you obviously don't have a clue who is running this campaign because most of us do have union experience, and know full well what they can and will do for us. Angry

Here I go again climbing on my soap box. I attended todays meeting with two of the three owners of stahls as did most of the warrensburg B shift. They talked about the fact that they realize the current labor relation problems and we were reasured that Franz was being let go.  They illuded to the fact that we might get raises,incentives and fair treatment.I CALL BULLSHIT! If they were going to do any of this they would have done it a month ago before the election date was set. They new the score then and didnt react. But now they say they cant make policy changes because there is a pending election and that is true they legally cant now but they could have a month ago. One of them went as far as to say he didnt think the the union was a good idea because it limited the flexability of the workforce. What he meant was they wouldnt be able to treat us like machines or slaves to do their bidding at a moments notice or to take wages or benefits from us when they arent getting the profits they thought they would. One of them was telling of all the money we have been making ($500,000) and it wasnt two minutes later the other one was crying about how much it would cost the company yearly to have a union shop($300,000). Im sorry but if this company can make $500,000 in a few months it could surely afford to carry the weight of just $300,000 over the course of a year. When these guys were questioned about the things they brought up they had no legitamate answers all they kept saying was we dont think a union is the way to go. After being questioned by B shift I was told they didnt allow time for any questions from the other two shifts and they never mentioned anything about unions I wonder why that was? These guys would hang us out to dry if it would benefit them dont think for a minute that they are looking out for us the only one looking out for us is us united collectively under the United Brotherhood of Teamsters. I strongly erge every one who is tired of being disrespected and mistreated to vote yes tomorrow.  still just my opinion.   Baxter Armstrong have shown your inteligemce, or lack thereof. only a complete idiot such as yourself would continue such a ridiculous campaign. Richard Hayes

I am the wife of a stahl employee who has been there for 20 plus years. 
just can't believe that the union did not get voted in.  This company
gone down hill so bad the employees used to be treated with respect and
graditude for the job that they performed but now; they treat their
employees like an animal in a cage or here lately I will say they are
working in the above ground hell!!!  It is pretty bad when an employee
been there this long and we live in poverty.  It is also wrong that
that have been there for just a couple years are making almost as much
the ones that have spent more or less there adult life there.  We had
struggle before living paycheck to paycheck now it is even harder
because we
have to pay for the insurance.  But then again what good is the
when a person needs something done and you can't get it approved
because it
does not meet the guidelines of the health care plan of thyssenkrupp
I believe that the employee's deserve alot more than they are receiving
i think without the union they will never receive it.  I just Pray to
that things will get better, but I have a feeling it is only going to
worse.  I wonder how many employees will get terminated now?  Or what
are they going to take away from us.  Not only are they taking away
from the
employee but they are taking away from the family as well.  There are
many jobs in this area so the people that have been at Stahl's for
years will probably try and stick it out and hope for the best.  I just
us all luck with the future of stahl's.
Stahl wife

We as americans take pride in the fact that we live in a country that gives us rights millions of people around the world only dream off.Where was that pride yesterday???
For years we all bitched and moaned and made big speeches about how we deserved better. When the Teamsters offered us the chance to make it better everybody thought great,but when it came right down to making the choice a lot of people tucked their tails between their legs and ran and all because the company wouldn't make it easy for us.DID YOU REALLY THINK THEY WOULD? Nothing worth fighting for ever comes easy.
I'm sure management is hysterically laughing about our stupidity ,(i know i would be)and planning their next move.Enough said,just make sure you all bring some vaseline i have a sneaky suspicion we'll need it.
P.S.I want to say thank you to the Kingsville wife whose E-mail was posted in yesterdays update.Thank you for putting it into words even the dummest people should be able to understand.   Warrensburg

Hey richard that all you got?? Pretty weak, company submissive response. I bet you smell poop now with your head between your legs...IMAGINE THAT

Who would have ever known, that less than 24 hours after the vote, that employee's would be threatened to be wrote up, and then fired, if they did not put out as many parts as was wanted on a shift. I'll tell you who would have never known...Jeff Stone. he doesn't have a clue on how the thugs below him are trying to do business..if you want to call it that. This company's biggest problem is that the thugs don't know how to treat anyone like a human being. It is just a cattle call to them. Treat a man like a man, instead of a piece of shit running a mold, and he might give a shit. But until then, he's going to put out shit. The 541 Union didn't cause all the problems that this company has seen since it has been sold for the SECOND  time. The COMPANY has. Again..less than 24 hours after the election we are back to being treated like nothing ever happened. I hope that all that them that voted against the 541 with their cushy jobs, could come out here and enjoy what we get to enjoy. Without us you wouldn't have your cushy job. I promise you this isn't over yet. We're not going to be treated like shit and make parts that give you a job to vote against us....IMAGINE THAT

I am the wife of an 02 worker and have had enough. Ever since he was hired we were happy that he had a job close to home and my part time job helped out. But since he has worked there he has come home tired, even exhausted, from getting through the day. In the summer time I don't know how he ever made it. But since he has been there he as never got much of a raise...made him take off during the week and be there every Saturday without overtime. Lately this year he hasn't worked any weekends so we live on a 38 hour check a week. We had to start paying for our insurance for me and our three kids so he is actually making less money than when he started. He voted for the union and I was leery because we had already had less money coming in than when he started. Now I know that I should have been for it. For all of you that voted no, I was with you. But when I added it up we are making less money now and thank God I have a part time job.   02wife

First off, if thyssenkrupp represents Germany.. than Germany needs its ass whipped again! What was this corporate glut they call a company thinking when they bought a company in Missouri called Stahl? First thing you did was sell everything that wasn't welded down..bought out anyone that was making a decent wage..made employees start working weekends for straight time...took away any incentive they had, told them to shut up and like it. Oh, I've only started. After you bought Stahl, a payment must be made to you off the top therefore there was never a profit. Who..only corporate greed could come up with that kind of a business deal. You bought Stahl..never put a dime into it..expected $25.000 a month  off the top before profit and expected it to make money after 9-11. I hope all involved in this business deal choke from their caviar and wine and die early. Did you really believe that we were going to lay there and take that treatment? I guess thyssenkrupp losing money all the time you were here shows you what WE think about your ideology. We ran your ass out of this town and you must like it. You would have never made any money treating people like prisoners and feel free not to stop by again. I simply cannot believe that a company as big as thyssenkrapp would wind up in my rural area and think that we were going to put up with their thyssenCRAP. Out of all the suites and ties you have...who are really the most naive..FUCK YA!!!

My above email to thyssencrap reaped no response from the worldwide conglomerate. Trust me..I had no interest in a response fore I have seen and heard enough of their rule. But I must add, that whoever is in charge of sending my email to the top is as spineless as the rulers of thyssencrap. They may never admit it, but they must be spineless to keep their job. How could they ever keep their job and let the truth filter through to the top? I will sleep good knowing that I don't have their job. Trust me again when I say, that as big of a company as thyssencrap is..and as world wide as they are..nothing but soft hands were looking out for you...less a paper cut. Now we have Seaside...Have you seen them on the floor?? Have they come by and give you an attaboy? Would you recognize a mutt from a Jeff Stone? Can you remember the three names that have bought the place FOR NOW?? Has anything changed? Ask'll see that it is big business as usual and thyssencrap still rules.......... Imagine that

Imagine this..rumor is that we will never see the 22 cent raise that was voted on. Imagine this..the $450 won't be given to you to put on you 401K. Imagine this..your vacation time will be capped at 3 weeks. If this was all just rumor..I think Speyside would be putting out something to put rest to the rumors. Fact is that rumors at this place is there way of preparing you for the Anal Job you are about to receive. Has anyone heard a rumor that hasn't came true yet?? Bend over and prepare for the worst.....IMAGINE THAT

Merry Christmas to Stahl Specialty Company. But I must also say Merry Christmas to the NEW Stahl. Remember. Stahl Specialty no longer exist. Welcome to the new world.
     Many jobs have been lost here, right before the most coveted holidays of the year for Americans. But what bothers anyone with a conscience is that we still have illegal still working at the NEW Stahl AFTER Americans were sent home without a job. I don't care who you are.. Is this right?? If  that is your mindset than you have sold out. You'll never get it until you lose your job. I'll be standing by with a bread crumb in my hand when you do.You might want to check the national news once in a while because the illegal problem has hit Kingsville, Mo. Take your head out of the mud and help us with the invasion. It probably has taken money from someone you know.  Maybe yourself.   Imagine that