
The company Lawyer

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We are devoted to keeping all Stahl employees current as to the situation with our employer

Update 10/11/06
Well folks you may have heard the union lost the election tonight. As they always say though, it's not over till its over and thanks to Jeff (silver spoon) Stone all is not over just yet. You see Mr. Stone told three different groups of people on monday that "By voting YES you are voting to go on strike". So it seems many people were confused as to just what they were voting on today. I have been told the union will file objections to the election in the morning. We all know the company only won because they lied their ass of to the employees. Like I said before this is only the beginning friends. I would like to add an email that was sent to me from the wife of a kingsville employee that I think sums up our recent events nicely, enjoy,
I cannot believe what happened today with the voting!!! How can you people be so guillable that you believe what the company has told you? This is the 22 nd century, slavery was abolished along time ago, working to make your employer rich is so midevial!!! How could you all do this to your families? My opionion Is that you now DESERVE everything you get from the company. You DESERVE to not being treated fairly, you DESERVE to work 7 days a week with no overtime, you DESERVE to have to pay for your familys insurance, you DESERVE to not get pay raises, costs of living raises, incentive bonuses. You DESERVE to work for greedy, thieving people that have stoled your retirement, your freewill, your right to think for yourself, your pride and your dignity. You Deserve to not have time for your family or have a life!!! I wonder how long it will take the company to start the witch hunt for the people that were behind the union and only wanted to be treated like hard working human beings and not Monkeys on a leash, how are you going to feel as one by one they fire your friends that were behind the union and replace them with illegals? I am sure you wont feel anything because if you did you would of voted the union in. So I hope all you people that voted NO or that DIDN’T VOTE AT ALL! are happy with what you have done. May God have mercy on you because the company wont!!!! When you get it stuck up your ass remember you DESERVED it!!!!! All your fellow workers wanted to do was to make a better place for you to work  and a better place for your kids and maybe even your grandkids that in the future may be working there. I hope you can all live with your MISTAKE! Kingsville wife 01

Update 10/13/06
Well folks just as expected this corrupt company is continuing their abuse of the workforce. Have you all heard the heaters are coming out of the foundries? Thats right folks in order to save on the expense, the company will now force you to work in freezing conditions during the winter months.  Secondly we noticed a memo up stating that if you put out 9 bad parts in a given time period you will be fired. This will help to replace all current workers with illegals. Also rumor has it that all full time employees will be laid off at the first of the year. The only people allowed to stay will be those from the temp agency that work without benefits.  The sad thing is that even the dumbshits that the company bribed into voting no with bonuses will be laid off too. I guess it shows that you really do get what you deserve in the end.
I noticed the company posted some bullshit about vote percentages in the election. As always I will give you guys the truth. Out of 701 eligible voters 44% voted NO   42% voted YES and 14% did not vote at all. Not exactly the landslide the company liars are making it out to be. Does anyone find it odd that 100 people did not vote? I think we all know there was some kind of election fraud here and I hope like hell it comes out. Also those of you who are interested in joining us in making complaints to the Missouri Bar association over the illegal conduct of Spencer Fane during the election should contact me at the link below for more details. Evil may have won the first battle but the war is just getting underway, stay tuned friends.

Update 10/16/06
Ok folks well I think we all know by now the whole Franz leaving thing was bullshit. Recently Dr Jeckl gave a speech to an assembly of managers and the speyside millionaires club. We have obtained a bootlegged video from this meeting, to view please click the link below.   Enjoy

click here to play video

Update 10/16/06
Well friends we have been hearing that people have already began seeing write ups thanks to the new phony company policy. How bout all you nay- sayers, still want to give these spoiled rotten rich boys at Speyside a chance? I guess now you know what the so called benefits they wanted to give us but could not due to the union campaign. One being the removal of the heaters ( I wonder if they will be removing heaters from the offices? The other benefit being, implementing a new policy that will allow them to fire anyone anytime they choose. Hooray for Speyside!!!! I can't wait to see what else they have in store for us, should be delightful.  I'm sure you know were all these changes are coming from right? From the tyrant that was suppose to be leaving, Dr. Eckl Jeckl. You see folks Mr. Eckl comes from a rich family in Germany, he never had to work a day in his life so it is impossible for him to understand our situation. Unlike him we did not have wealthy family members to buy us some phony Dr. degree that would allow us to waltz into a cush management posittion. Im sure by now you can all see what Jeckl and the Speyside millionaires club have in common. They are all lazy,corrupt corporate scumbags that wouldn't have the guts to really go out and work for a living. They're all nothing but parasites living off the accomplishments of their fathers and grandfathers. I think Dr. Jeckl has been here long enough and caused enough misery at this company, if Speyside won't make good on their promise to remove him then maybe someone else should. If Speyside had any business sense at all they would have already shed useless ignorant managers like Al Peterson and his step daddy Steve Williams. If they really want to do some house cleaning to improve profits then get rid of the dead weight we have in management. Do we really need a worthless stumbling drunk like Bill (90 proof) Gardiner around here?  What about Jim Skidmark? what purpose does this goon serve? Im sure we could go on and on about how lacking we are in management. By the way has anyone noticed if they have posted the salary and benefits of management yet? Please let me know as soon as it gets posted, I'll be sitting here holding my breath.

Update 10/24/06
Well as most of you have noticed things have been very quiet lately and there is a reason for the silence from management. You see, last friday they were served with 27 charges from the National Labor Relations Board. These charges range from wrongful termination, to threats and discrimination etc etc. If you folks remember it was the company telling us how corrupt the union was, do you find it odd the union was able to nail them with 27 charges while the company could not bring a single charge against the union? What we will see unfold in the next few weeks will be another prime example of the total disregard for the truth by the company brass. You see they will be called to hearings to answer to these charges and as we've seen before there is no doubt they will deny everything. They will deny firing people for union support, they will deny stating the company would shut down or customers would stop doing business with us if we went union, they will deny putting salaried people on the excelsior list and having them vote, they will deny anything and everything regardless of how strong the evidence against them is. Good thing so many supporters tape recorded conversations and meetings with managers, this gives the union the evidence needed to see to it justice is served on the right people.  Those of you who will be giving statements to the board agents need to express to them, that you beileve your job will be in danger for testifying against the company, this will again make it easier to win a wrongful termination lawsuit if you are fired.  I will keep all of you up to date as to how the company answers the charges in the coming weeks.  Take care guys and stay tuned, business is about to pick up.

 Well folks, last night was a huge victory for workers in this state. Nearly all canidates endorsed by labor unions won their elections. What this means is workers in this state will have a much stronger voice in all matters related to employment. Our union reps have told me that they have agreements from certain politicians to launch full investigations into the illegal conduct of Speyside management and Spencer Fane law firm during the campaign. Also as many of you know, a good number of employees requested in writing a detailed summary of the stolen Stahl pension plan. So far not one person has recieved a response to this request, even though the company is required by law to provide these documents they have chosen not to. What are they hiding? Soon we will know. Complaints have been made to the United States Department of Labor concerning this issue. If indeed there is fraud involved with the pension plan you could very well see company brass sent to prison and I have every intention of seeing this happen. Because that is where criminals belong.

Update 11/17/06
 Well friends, it has been a very busy week for the National Labor Relations Board regional office. Employees from Stahl Kingsville and Warrensburg have been giving statements to board agents on a daily basis. More then one Agent has commented that they have " Never seen so many board charges against any one company". It comes as no surprise to any of us that have worked here awhile that this company would run afoul of the law. Stahl/ Speyside may finally be brought to justice and be forced to answer to their criminal activity. I have been told that all of the audio tapes made by employees have been turned over to the board for review. It will be interesting to see how corrupt law firm, Spencer Fane tries to weasel their clients out of these charges in light of all the convincing evidence and testimony being given. I have been told by one fellow employee that the board is also looking into how Stahl/Speyside forced us to use our vacation time during their shut down. It seems they may have to give us our time back as they cannot force employees to use vacation time while they shut down their facility. Imagine that, Stahl/ Speyside doing something wrong or illegal, it just blows your mind don't it? The agents are also taking information from employees concerning the stolen pension plan. Several complaints have already been filed with the Department of Labor on this issue also, and we are awaiting a response. Lets all keep our fingers crossed on this one, as it may very well be Dr Eckl Jeckl's one way ticket to 20 years in an American prison, which is the only way he should be allowed to remain in this country.  The last of the witnesses will be testifying on Monday, as soon as we have word from the board as to how things will procede I will pass it along to everyone. I would also like to thank all my fellow employees that had the guts to step forward and fight for their rights by giving statements to the board. That kind of courage seems to be lacking in our society these days.... Stay tuned friends

Update 11/18/06
For this update I would like you all to see a copy of an email sent to the speyside millionaires club by a Stahl employee. Enjoy

From: "Dan Armstrong" <>
>> Subj: Stahl Specialty
>> Date: Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:44 pm
>> Size: 1K
>> To: <>
>> Sorry to bug you but, I have worked for Stahl for six years and if
>> you could get us the simplest of things to do our jobs like spring steel
>> to make blades to clean the build up of aluminum in the molds it would
>> be very helpful. Since Stahl sold the company we have reduced the work
>> force by atleast 70%.My openion only 20% was justifide.The other 50% was
>> needed to produce quality castings and maintain the equiptment.Now we
>> work 4 times harder less workers no tools and junk machines. The
>> employees have always given 110% and managment has given 1% and thats
>> for just showing up. This company could be #1 if we dont loose any more
>> good hard working trained employees due to managements neglagence. The
>> best way to avoid the vote of a union is to act fast on equiptment and
>> tool/suplise isues. And let us know what you are doing to help us. I
>> could go on about Stahl for ever but I just wanted to give you the
>> insight of all employees. ps this is to help you. I know I!
>> didnt take the time for spelling but I just got off work and Im tired.
>> If you have any ?s I will be very happy to answer them by phone e-mail
>> or in person.

 Here is the response,

From: <>
> To: "Dan Armstrong" <>; "Jeff Stone"
> <>; "Rob Sylvester"
> <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:04 PM
> Subject: Re: Stahl Specialty
>> Dan,
>> Thanks for the email. I'm not sure I can fully address your concerns or
>> validate the numbers referenced as accurate. I also can't speak for past
>> company decisions, as these things occurred before I got involved with
>> Stahl.
>> However, I do believe that this is a company with potential and our
>> intent is to try and make it better.
>> Jeff Stone is copied on this message and, by way of this email, I am
>> asking him to look into your spring steel blade issue. Jeff is working
>> on improving communications between management and employees and is
>> sympathetic to your concerns in this area.
>> We are actively looking at investment projects that will make us more
>> competitive, which should lead to more business and hopefully more
>> employment opportunities at Stahl.
>> Thanks again,
>> -Kevin
>> End

NOTE: Just to let you all know, this employee was fired shortly after sending this email. It seems the speyside klan does not want employees speaking out about the obvious failings of management. It is also interesting to note that Jeff (silver spoon) Stone's email address is tied in with ThyssenKrupp. Anyone find this odd? Could it be that Stone is really just an agent of ThyssenKrupp, and the whole transition from Krupp to Speyside has been nothing but a load of bullshit? Please also make note of the date on this email sent by Kevin Daugherty, have you seen speyside do anything to improve your working conditions in this time period?

Update 12/4/06
Well folks Im sure you won't be surprised to hear that Stahl/ Speyside is again mistreating workers. Unless you live in a cave you know that our area was hit last thursday night by one of the worst winter storms of all time. Both I-70 and 13 hwy were shut down in spots, the snow was so bad that snow plows in Johnson county were stuck. As you can imagine many employees were not able to make it to work on Friday, however it seems the brilliant Stahl management here has decided to terminate certain employees for not risking their lives to come to work. Now we all know that in the past missing work for severe weather has been an excused absence, so why the sudden change? Could this be one of the many improvments Speyside promised us? I think we all know they are using this situation to target union supporters, that is why more wrongful termination charges are being filed at this moment on behalf of the victims of Stahl mamagements blatant disregard for their employees safety. If you were terminated or had personal time taken away for being absent on Friday please call the union hall at 816-921-1700 and let them know as soon as possible.

Update 12/6/06
We have been able to confirm that at least 3 employees from Warrensburg were terminated for missing work during the snow storm last friday. It seems they were fired by none other than Al Peterson himself. These employees were told they were being let go because they ran out of personal time. This seems odd as we know of several other employees who have run out of time and not been terminated. Al Peterson is no stranger to labor violations, at this time he has more board charges pending against himself then any other supervisor in the company. I have been informed the Teamsters will be filing more board charges on behalf of the employees that were illegally fired. I'm sure by now you have all heard that lay-offs are coming. The question is will the company lay-off by senority or will they try and go head hunting for union supporters? Time will tell but we very well could see another slew of charges come from the lay-offs. In January they are planning another week long shut down and it seems they are going to try and make us use our vacation time again. This sounds fair right? They shut down and force you to sit home and in the process burn your vacation time. Is everyone starting to wake up now? It is very much business as usual with the Speyside Klan.

Update 12/07/06
Well folks it just keeps getting better around here. It seems Dr. Eckl Jeckl has issued a memo instructing supervisors to deduct personal time or fire employees who were absent last friday in Kingsville. According to this Prick, these people put a strain on the company by not coming in. Nevermind the fact that snow plows were not even able to get out, never mind the fact that major highways were closed, Franzie is going to use this situation to try and clean house. So what happened? According to Jeff (silver spoon) Stone the Nazi piece of shit was suppose to be out of here by December, instead he is unfairly firing people just weeks before Christmas. Lies Lies Lies thats all the Speyside Klan is about. Ive said it before and I'll say it again Franz has caused enough misery at this company and its time he was removed. I encourage anyone effected by his latest assault on the workers to take action. Maybe its time someone got a good ole fashion country ass beating. If you ask me its long overdue.

Update. 1/6/05
 Well I hope everyone had a good christmas and a happy new year. As some of you already know the company has provided some half ass documentation on the stolen pension plan. They have failed to provide several important documents including a recent summary plan description. The company does not seem to mind that they have violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act by concealing certain documents to the employees. The Department of Labor and the IRS are now fully involved in the Pension scam investigation, it will take some time but hopefully sooner then later we will see high level management here prosecuted for the illegal acts regarding our pension plan.
 I have also heard a rumour from a good source that represenatives from Speyside have been in China recently to possibly find a new home for Stahl Specialty Company.  Again this cannot be confirmed at this time and I will keep you all posted when we hear anything new on this subject. Keep in mind though, as I have told you all from the start that these guys are an investment company they don't give a rats ass about you or your family and if moving this company would be more profitable for them they will do it.  Remember all the meetings with management we were having during the campaign? What happened to them being interested in what we had to say? What happened to all those benefits Jeff Stone couldn't speak of until after the union campaign was over? More interesting, what happened to anyone from Speyside? Has anyone seen them since the election?

Update 2/7/07
Well folks are far as the board charges at Stahl go, the verdicts are in. The National Labor Relations Board has found Stahl management guilty on 9 counts of violating the National Labor Relations Act. Even though Jeff Stone claimed his company follows the letter of the law, the violations were as clear as daylight in this case. As of 2/9/07 you should start seeing notices posted around your work area detailing exactly what the charges are. If you do not see the notices posted or they are not up in a highly visable place please contact the Teamsters union so that further charges may be made. Also, If you signed a pledge card and were an open union supporter and have recently been laid off out of line with senority, drop me an email with the link at the bottom of the page. It seems the company thinks they can target pro union employees with unfair lay offs, however this again violates the National labor relations act. It is not to late for the union to file more charges on behalf of employees that are being discriminated against.

Update 2/19/07
 I am so sad to have to report on the termination of our good friend Bill (90 proof) Gardner. I can't imagine why this company would want to get rid of this lying worthless puke of a man. Could it be that Bill was named in so many board charges that the company felt him to be a liability? In any event he is gone and I must say (besides the dismissal of Franz Jeckl) its the smartest move Ive seen this company make. There is however one more person that needs his walking papers and that is none other then our favorite stooge, Al Peterson. Al was named in just as many charges as Mr. Gardner and is as guilty of causing a hostile working enviroment as anyone in upper managment. He is currenty causing unrest in Warrensburg by spreading the word that the new owners are already looking to sell the company. Is there any truth to this? Or is Al once again just looking to keep everyone guessing and in turn cause paranoia and panic? Whatever the case we all can agree this man is not remotely qualified for the position he is in and needs to join Mr. Gardner at the unemployment office.
     Have you all seen the notices that have been posted by the labor board? They are suppose to be up on bulletin boards thoughout the foundries. If you have not seen one or you know of any that have been covered or taken down please drop me a line and let me know.

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